In addition to development, our expertise extends to package development, so that your application remains modular and scalable.

Why Use Packages?

When using Laravel, you can take advantage of numerous ready-made packages suitable for many common use-cases. These packages are also known as packages.

However, companies often face specific challenges that cannot be addressed with generic solutions. This is where custom packages come into play.

Packages are essentially plug-ins or modules that are tailor-made for the needs of an individual project or designed to be implemented in multiple projects where the code only needs to be maintained once.

Laravel packages can be as simple or complex as needed, adding extra functionality to the application without bloating it with unnecessary features.

How Does It Work?

Like any custom package, it starts with an idea. We like to think along with you to realize your ultimate goal, not only in developing the Laravel application but also in creating the necessary packages that are specifically tailored to achieving your goal.

Once the idea and the goal are clear, we set up a plan to test the technical feasibility. This step determines how the package will be constructed and how it will seamlessly integrate with the existing Laravel application.

With a clear roadmap, we spring into action and develop the custom Laravel package. The process is highly iterative, incorporating your feedback at every step.

No package is released without thorough testing. This ensures that it is not only functional but also free from bugs and vulnerabilities.

Coding Monkeys - Mark

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  • Laravel developers since 2012


Laravel webapplications

Our team develops robust web applications that allow you to automate your business processes.

Statamic CMS

When you think about building a website, you quickly think of Wordpress. But is that the right choice?

Maintenance & updates

Maintenance of your Laravel application is essential. We maintain and monitor your application so that it continues to perform optimally.

Upgrade Laravel

With our Laravel upgrade service you are assured of an up-to-date application with the latest security updates and the newest functionalities.

API connections

Do you need a connection with other parties? We have ample experience in implementing API integrations including Mollie, Moneybird and Exact.

Rebuild software

Rebuilding a legacy application with Laravel not only modernizes your digital infrastructure, but also ensures efficiency, security, and scalability.